Lindegren & Partners AB

Christina Lindegren

Christina Lindegren specializes within executive- and organizational development.


Executive- and Organizational development

Managers need a resource that listens. Someone that stimulates reassessment, who can also work operationally within the organization if needed.


Client examples range from state and regional governments, organizations and corporations to the Church of Sweden


The firm has since its inception in 1988 worked with projects and cases on various government-, and local government levels, with national organizations, universities, the Church of Sweden, the Swedish Armed Forces and other companies.

An example of clients below:

IVA, Norrköpings kommun, Exportrådet ,Röda Korset, Flens kommun, Västerås kommun, IL Returpapper, Norrköpings kommun, Stockholms stadsbyggnadskontor, Saco, Sundsvall kommun, Eurostop, Stadshypotek Västmanland, PackForsk, Pleiad Real Estate AB, Haninge kommun, Lerums kommun, Temaplan, Sveriges Läkarförbund, AMUGruppen, TCO, Metall, Länsstyrelsen i Gävleborgs län, SAF, Solna stad, Enköpings kommun, Näringslivets Ekonomifakta, Länsstyrelsen i Uppsala län, Upec IT, Swerock AB, TBV, Svensk Energi, Wasatornet Invest AB, utvecklingsrådet för den statliga sektorn, Kunskapshuset, Norrtälje kommun, TCO Development, Södertälje kommun, Rimbo pastorat, Göteborgs universitet, Veolia Vatten AB, Försvarsmakten, Region Västmanland, Riksförbundet BRIS, Högskolan Gävle, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet.

Christina Lindegren presentation bild

What were you doing prior to establishing your firm?

Then, in 1988, I had been an Head of Unit for the Nacka municipality, HR-consultant, and recruiter for The Federation of Swedish Industries (now part of The Federation of Swedish Enterprise), chef du cabinet and project manager for Business and Industry Information Group, founder and CEO for the magazine Women & Business, executive-, and, specialist headhunter at John Stork International (later becoming Korn Ferry).

Then, when I founded the company, my ambition was to work with HR-related issues with a more qualitative approach, to create added value. I strived to work with a select group of clients over the long term, as a type of regular, go-to-consultant. This has become the scope of my activities, but I will of course accept single, short term assignments. The business was mainly focused on executive recruitment but has, through trust and cooperation with several clients, widened in scope to include leadership coaching, internal-, and external communication, and to competence analysis and organizational surveys.

Currently I work mainly as a both strategic and operational resource to managers within their day-to-day activities. Tasks generally revolve around internal and external communication, competency assessments, career guidance, and providing second-opinions in the final stages of recruitments. Another aspect is the critical analysis of organizational structures and their efficiency as either moderator or workshop leader. Solving complex HR-issues are often done more easily by an external resource.

The central theme in my client cases is communication. To be able to provide clear and concise information in a smooth and effective manner.

I adapt my approach and my methods to the case in question, and utilize my network of specialists wherever needed.

As of 2018, Ebba Lindegren has joined the firm. She has solid experience with business development and collaboration within innovation and financing.

We are based in Närtunavik in the countryside, close to Arlanda airport with plenty of options for meetings and conferences, but we will naturally meet our clients where it suits them.



Christina Lindegren & Partners AB
Christina Lindegren
76294 RIMBO
Phone: 070-531 47 18